Tim malone
Tim malone

  • “Mineral Interests in Real Estate Transactions,” presented to Dalworth Association of Division Order Analysts.
  • “Urban Drilling: You Want to Drill Where?,” presented Council of Petroleum Accountants Societies.
  • “Leasing Issues,” presented to Tarrant County Bar Association Brown Bag Seminar (2007).
  • “Oil and Gas in an Hour,” presented to Texas Association of Legal Professionals (2007).
  • “The War Between Mineral and Surface Owners,” presented to AAPL Southwest Land Institute (2007).
  • “Barnett Shale-The Oddities,” presented National Association of Division Order Analysts (2008).
  • “Shale Play,” presented to Wealth Management and Trust Division of Texas Bankers Association Real Estate and Oil and Gas Conference (2009).
  • “Oil and Gas Law Update,” presented to Wealth Management and Trust Division of Texas Bankers Association Real Estate and Oil and Gas Conference (2010).
  • “Liens, Foreclosures & Bankruptcy Affecting Oil & Gas Leases” presented to the Dallas Bar Energy Section (2012).
  • “Liens, Foreclosures & Bankruptcy Affecting Oil & Gas Leases” presented to the AAPL Annual Meeting (2012).

    Fort Worth Association of Professional Landmen.Energy Section, Tarrant County bar Association.Oil, Gas & Energy Resources Law Section, State Bar of Texas.“Super Lawyers – Energy & Natural Resources” by Thomson Reuters (2012-2022).B.A., Southern Methodist University, 1977.Malone provides experienced advice to his clients. Armed with a strong command of the problem and knowledge of the law, Mr. He works to truly understand the issues at hand by listening carefully to not only his clients but also adverse parties. Malone’s goal is always to work towards meeting the needs of the client by offering a clear path to a solution. Whether dealing with ownership issues in a title matter, disputes between surface and mineral owners, interpretation of instruments or creating agreements to document a transaction, Mr. Malone refocused on his favorite area of the law-Oil & Gas-which now consumes nearly 100% of his time. With the resurgence of the oil & gas industry beginning the early 2000s, Mr. Malone spent over 15 years as a solo practitioner, engaging in a broader practice of commercial litigation. With the collapse of the industry in the mid 80s, Mr. Malone began his Oil & Gas practice right out of law school in 1980 with the predecessor of the Decker Jones firm. He provides legal guidance to clients in disputes related to easements, boundaries, and other title issues.Malone has experience drafting Original and Division Order Opinions and conducting related due diligence.Unless otherwise indicated, lawyers listed on this site are not certified by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization. Decker Jones does not incorporate any materials appearing in such linked sites by reference, and does not necessarily sponsor, endorse, or otherwise approve of such linked materials. Some links within this site may lead to other sites. In consideration of this authorization, you agree that (a) any copy of these documents which you make shall retain all copyright and other proprietary notices contained herein and (b) this page will be included with any distribution. The copyrights in all content on this site are owned by Decker Jones.You are authorized to view, store, print, reproduce, copy, and distribute any pages within this site for non-commercial use within your organization only. Use of this site’s email and messaging system may not be used to attempt to provide Decker Jones with any nature of legal notice.

    tim malone

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    tim malone

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    Tim malone